Ghana - Filmed a documentary at the school.
Threw the school graduation - over 300 kids - Ophelia graduates from Amazing Grace
Beta Photo Project using 2 disposable cameras - these are stories worth telling
**Formalized a curriculum for the photo workshop - this is when the program “officially” began
3 themes: Interesting People and Places, A Day in the Life, What Does Love Look Like?
Bogotá, Colombia
NGO: Hogares Luz y Vida
Orphanage and School for kids with various special needs - both physical and mental handicaps
Ophelia goes to Senior Secondary School in Ghana
Mi Voz Event in Downtown LA
Raised over $30,000 - 100% donated which has been used to start a clinic at the Hogares Luz y Vida in Colombia
Guatemala City, Guatemala
All-girls’ school in the inner city, K-6th grade
Vox Students were 5th grade girls (10-11 students)
Portraits were also taken to honor the staff at the school
Dolce shoots/edits a promo for IMA
Ophelia graduates from Senior Secondary School in Ghana
Kodiekrom, Ghana
NGO: Adom Partnership
Amazing Grace Preparatory School, K-9
Provides food and education to low-income students in the village of Kodiekrom, Ghana and its surrounding areas
Vox Students were 7th graders (17 students)
Ophelia works in the nursery at Amazing Grace
Vijayawada, India
NGO: Vikasitha
Students were “young adults” (ages 18-35) -(12-15 students), students from a Bible College who are typically from lower castes; the students were serving at women’s conference from the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh
Khulna, Bangladesh
NGO: Speak Up for the Poor
Teaches English and after-school education to girls in rural areas and villages to prevent child marriage
Vox students - girls ages 11-18 (10-12 students)
1st Ambassador program
[Young Mi or Susan can fill out the details here]
Los Angeles Photo Project
NGO: Covenant House, LA
Care and housing for foster kids and homeless youth, ages 5-24ish
Vox Students are different for each workshop (3 workshops so far) - ages 18-22
Vox Photo Project 2-Day Event
Raised over $30,000 to fund specific needs for supported communities in Ghana, India, Bangladesh, Colombia, Guatemala, Indonesia, and Los Angeles
Taiwan - Wulai
Wulai Elementary School
Ages 3-6
Kids from low income homes, mostly from the Tayal aboriginal tribe
Sichuan/Tibet - Xieqing Shi
Xieqing Elementary School
5th grade class
⅓ of school are orphans
Yunnan - Mijing
Bai Tribe villagers in Mijing
Ages 4-46 (children and moms)
NGO: Sonflowers
Ages 7-16
Kids live in slums and brothels